Observed Limitations of Windows Server 2008 R2 Core
To minimize attack surface area of our Windows servers we use a fair number of Windows Core 2K8 Installations where I work. Microsoft achieves this reduced surface area by not including as many features or options as they present in the full GUI Windows Installations.
This is meant to be something of a Living article. As I find more limitations and perceived 'gotchas', I will post them here
Categories of limitations:
Missing UI or higher-level Features
- No MMC (Microsoft Management Console) available from the command prompt
- You can remotely connect to Windows Core for MMC if the firewall permits it
- No Control panel
- The sconfig command will be your friend
- Missing GUI Windows Event Viewer
- While there is a command-line utility, I put together a GUI Event Viewer using C#.NET
- Missing ZIP / UnZip functionality
- Work-around is to use the makecab executable
Missing .NET APIs / other programming limitations
- Certificate Management, deleting certificates
- Unable to use .Remove() to delete certificates from a certificate store (Support for this was added in 2K8 R2 SP1)
- Unable to use Powershell to delete certificates from a certificate store(Could be in 2K8 R2 SP1 (?))
- Not able to use certutil.exe to remove certificates ( certutil.exe -delstore STORENAME Serial#OfCert )
There are 2 work-around to this problem:
- Use CertMgr.exe (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e78byta0(v=VS.90).aspx)
- Perform your certificate removals by accessing Certificate Stores via the registry. You can find Certificates in these Registry locations:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EnterpriseCertificates
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates
- For more information, see CA Certificate Registry Entries in this MS Article
Note: The sub keys are the SHA1 Hash of the certificate. Delete the entire key represented by the SHA1 hash to remove the certificate